The Cleveland Police Union has sent Governor Kasich an open letter requesting that he temporarily ban Open Carry in city for the next couple of days. He said he "doesn't have the power".
I think he meant to say he doesn't have the will power.
tens of thousands of protesters are expected to show up in cleveland this week for the republican national convention.
muslim groups.
mexican groups.
The Cleveland Police Union has sent Governor Kasich an open letter requesting that he temporarily ban Open Carry in city for the next couple of days. He said he "doesn't have the power".
I think he meant to say he doesn't have the will power.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
you're too narrow minded
Wow, Kate, make things personal much?
Didn't you just make an entire thread where you cried because Crofty, on this specific topic, said you were being intellectually lazy - and now you're responding with a blanket statement saying he is narrow minded?
There's a difference between saying, "Crofty you're being stupid about X, Y, or Z" vs saying, "Crofty you are just stupid". Do you think these kind of blanket statements are going to be persuasive to him? Or informative to anyone else who's reading?
tens of thousands of protesters are expected to show up in cleveland this week for the republican national convention.
muslim groups.
mexican groups.
Tens of thousands of protesters are expected to show up in Cleveland this week for the Republican National Convention. Muslim groups. Anit-Muslim groups. Mexican groups. Anti-immigration groups. Black Live Matter. Anti-Trump groups. Pro-Trump groups. The West Borrow Baptist Church. Code Pink. And a host of other conservitive and liberal causes.
Suffice to say, there's going to be a lot of contention among the protesters. Protesters mad at the RNC. And protesters mad at other protesters. What really makes this a disaster waiting to happen is Ohio has an Open Carry law and protesters will be allowed to bring their guns. It doesn't matter if its a pistol on your hip, a shotgun draped over your arm, or a assault rifle strapped across your back it's all perfectly legal (ironically toy guns and water pistols will banned in the protest area though).
The New Black Panthers and the Oathkeepers (a white militia group) have also both promised to come armed. I can't think of the last time we had is such a politically and culturally charged event where people with diametrically opposed views are going to be in direct contact with each other - much less armed with guns. Despite the police bests efforts, I'm not sure which the right question to be asking. Should I be wondering if a protester or cop is going to get shot over the next three days? Or should I be asking how high the death toll will be?
Maybe I'll just stay away from my social media and TV this week . . .
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Hahaha, well said you guys!
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
What did I do that was lazy? Can you be specific please? If drawing conclusions based on the facts is lazy or wrong please explain to me succinctly why this is please.
Really Kate? You’re going to continue to play dumb? It has been explained at least a dozen times on this thread that you’re not drawing conclusions based on the facts but are instead choosing to assert unjustified presuppositions. Rather than doing any kind of research that could potentially verify your hypothesis you’re instead injecting your conclusion into an unknown. That’s not good reasoning. And it sure isn’t science. It’s just plain lazy.
But what the heck, let’s give this one more try shall we?
Your explanation is lazy because you haven’t explained how evolution was guided, what mechanisms were used, when it occurred, who did the guiding, and you haven’t provided a method via which we can tell the difference between guided evolution and non guided evolution. Instead, you’ve just made an entirely unsupported ad hoc and applied it to one of the frontiers of science. Anybody can give an answer for anything. What we care about are explanations that are actually likely to be true.
The claim you’re making operates very much in the majesty of chemistry. As such, before you get to go around exclaiming “Eureka, I’ve found it!” or drawing any kind of conclusions you first have to do the actual work. Your hypothesis needs to be demonstrable with measurable accuracy and/or testable with repeatable veracity. That is to say, there needs to be some kind scientific methodology which we can use to get us from point A to point B.
If you went to the scientific community and said, “Hey look, I have this high fidelity model of what we would expect unguided evolution to look like over a period of 4 billion years and and another one that shows guided evolution over 4 billion years - and look - it shows that the life we observe on the planet right now looks a lot more like guided evolution model.” Then the scientists would say, “Hey Kate, you might be onto something, how can we test this?” And then you would still have all your scientific research, conclusions, peer review, publishing, and academic debate in front of you.
But that’s NOT what you’ve done. Instead, you’ve chosen to be lazy. Instead, you’ve chosen come onto a forum where most people have no formal education in chemistry and you’re attempting to browbeat them over the head with their scientific illiteracy in order to justify your unsupported ad hoc.
Well, I for one am not impressed. Nor am I entertained. You started a thread claiming you were using science (chemistry to be exact) to justify your claim. But when we ask you for the science you resort to a God of the Gaps Fallacy. I cannot make this any clearer Kate, arm chair speculation is NOT scientific research. You know this. And you know what is necessary to justify a scientific conclusion. You just don’t want to have to actually do that work . . .
. . .and you know what we call people who try and take short cuts and don’t want to do the necessary work?
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Ruby, you also seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of Occam's Razor. "Simplest" doesn't mean the least complicated option nor the option with the fewest steps. Rather, it means the option that requires the fewest assumptions.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
No Ruby456, a God of the Gaps fallacy is not a "teleological argument". It's an ad hoc presupposition. Not even remotely the same thing.
One seeks to explain things by a perceived function. The other starts with a conclusion and applies it to an unknown.
for the sake of argument, i think a case can be made:.
) edrogan has been wanting to expand his constitutional powers - this gives him the perfect opportunity to do so..
) it gives edrogan an excuse to restructure a highly secular military.
the problem is that military elites have always had a problem with democracy in Turkey.
Except of course in 1960 when Manderes tried to subvert the democratic constitution and the "military elites" stepped in, deposed him, and restored democratic order.
Or do you mean the military "had a problem with democracy" in 1995 the Islamic Welfare Party tried to impose religious laws and the the military stepped in and enforced democratic values?
The military hasn't had a problem with democracy. But several parties that gained power have.
for the sake of argument, i think a case can be made:.
) edrogan has been wanting to expand his constitutional powers - this gives him the perfect opportunity to do so..
) it gives edrogan an excuse to restructure a highly secular military.
For the sake of argument, I think a case can be made:
1.) Edrogan has been wanting to expand his constitutional powers - this gives him the perfect opportunity to do so.
2.) It gives Edrogan an excuse to restructure a highly secular military
3.) The Coup didn't even try to capture Edrogan or his senior staff
4.) The Coup failed to take control of the media
5.) The Coup didn't have a message to put out or a leader to rally the support of the country
6.) No high ranking military members knew about the Coup and no one attempted to bring them or any senior staff in on it once the Coup unfolded
7.) The Coup failed to consolidate any ground and had no where near the necessary man power to hold bridges or the airport
8.) There were far more high value targets they should have taken control of over bridges and the airport (police stations, power stations, transportation hubs, military air fields, etc)
9.) The Coup failed to give it's soldiers the necessary tools to deal with protesters (shields, batons, tear gas, loud horns, etc.)
10.) There was not a single aspect of the Coup that showed any plan for a successful takeover. It's almost like it planned to fail . . . weird
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
coded logic i think the god of the gaps idea is only a logical fallacy if an individual believes in intelligent design
No, the God of the Gaps Fallacies says nothing about intelligent design. If proponents of intelligent design could put up evidence for their conclusions than it wouldn't be a God of the Gaps argument.
God of the Gaps is when there is some scientific or philosophical question that doesn't yet have a an answer and people purpose "God" as answer - but not explaintion - to the question.
Saying, "We don't know how life began - therefore God" is an example. But you could use it with any unknown.
You could say, "I don't know how Thomas Lock came up with the foundations of the US constitution - therefore God."
Or, "I don't understand how I won the lottery after buying my very first ticket - therefore God." would also be examples of God the Gaps fallacies.